

Pre-Screen & Crisis Intervention Line

HealthSource Integrated Solutions is available 24/7 to provide tracking numbers and record the results of in-patient state hospital screens. To reach our staff, please call 1-800-466-2222.

If you are provider wanting to submit electronic screen results click here

Community Bed Board

As part of the startup of the Non-Med screens program for FY15, HealthSource and KDADS is working to get a “Community Bed Board” up and running. This will be a resource for use by screeners and others when making decisions about placement. The idea is that periodically a count of beds will be taken and reported in a centralized, online location.

You can get to the new Community Bed Board site by clicking here.

PASRR – Level II Screens

Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) is a federal requirement to help ensure that individuals are not inappropriately placed in nursing homes for long term care. HealthSource Integrated Solutions provides management and coordination of Level 2 screens for PASRR.

For information on how to fill out the PASRR forms, visit this link from KDADS.

MI-PASRR (PAS – PreAdmission Screen)

MI-PASRR Resident Review

ID/DD-PASRR(PAS – PreAdmission Screen)

ID/DD-PASRR Resident Review

Screening Form For State Hospitals

HealthSource Integrated Solutions has worked with KDADS to develop a screening form for state hospital screens. The form can be downloaded here.

We’re Here To Help!

Reach out to us with any questions or requests related to HealthSource Integrated Solutions.


(785) 575-9393


2121 SW Chelsea Drive
Topeka, KS 66614


Office Hours

M-F: 8am - 5pm